Wednesday, January 23, 2008

// 2006 Shooting At Unarmed Men - Yes! Tinnitus!

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Shooting At Unarmed Men is the music project of former Mclusky member Jon Chapple (vocals/guitar), Steve Morgan (drums), and Big Joan member Simon Jarvis (bass). The original bassist for the band's formal incarnation was King Alexander member Simon Alexander (bass/vocals), although the band had existed as a sporadical joke since circa 1999. Alexander also co-wrote the mclusky song "Chases", from the mclusky Do Dallas album.

"Yes! Tinnitus!" was released on May 22nd 2006 - however, Chapple has since moved to Melbourne, Australia for two years (the band played their last gig in the Northern Hemisphere on April 16th 2006 at Cardiff's Clwb Ifor Bach, where Chapple also sold most of his books, videos and some of his records). Since emigrating, Chapple has assembled an Australian incarnation of the band with members of the bands The Cheats and Riff Random - Tom Cooper and Julian Tovey. Chapple hinted at the possibility of maintaining two distinct versions of the band in order to play shows on both continents[1]. During October 2006, the band played a weekly residency at the Tote in Melbourne, played at the Melbourne show in the Big Day Out festival in January 2007 and continue to be an active part of the local music scene.
  • Pathos Ate Bathos
  • A Horse By Day Is A Horse By Night
  • Never Follow Me Again
  • All Hail Sergio
  • Girls Music
  • I Am United Nations
  • Put Yourself On The Proverbial
  • I Cry For No Man
  • Get On Out And Come Right In
  • In-Flight Instructions Are A Joke - Say I

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